• Disclosure of trading in own shares under a share buyback programme

    Source: Nasdaq GlobeNewswire / 17 Jun 2021 12:30:59   America/Chicago

    17 June 2021

    Disclosure of trading in own shares

    under a share buyback programme

    Period : From 8 June to 14 juin 2021

    Issuer’s registered name : Ipsos

    Issuer’s Identification code : 9695002OY2X35E9X8W87

    Financial instrument reference: Ordinary shares - ISIN code FR0000073298

    Reporting of transactions in aggregated form (per day and per trading venue)

    Trading dayNature of the transactionIdentification code of the financial instrumentTotal volume per day (number of shares)Weighted average price per dayMarket
      Code ISIN (ISO 6166)  MIC code (ISO 10383)
    8-Jun-21PurchaseFR00000732982 51933,6221XPAR
    9-Jun-21PurchaseFR000007329810 76033,5934XPAR
    9-Jun-21PurchaseFR00000732985 10533,7382DXE
    9-Jun-21PurchaseFR00000732981 18533,6614TQE
    9-Jun-21PurchaseFR00000732981 52534,1393AQE
    10-Jun-21PurchaseFR000007329811 18534,4014XPAR
    10-Jun-21PurchaseFR00000732985 49534,3936DXE
    10-Jun-21PurchaseFR00000732981 43034,1399TQE
    10-Jun-21PurchaseFR00000732981 65034,2220AQE
    11-Jun-21PurchaseFR000007329811 25034,6229XPAR
    11-Jun-21PurchaseFR00000732985 98534,6186DXE
    11-Jun-21PurchaseFR00000732981 43834,6748TQE
    11-Jun-21PurchaseFR00000732981 68534,6527AQE
    14-Jun-21PurchaseFR000007329811 40034,5385XPAR
    14-Jun-21PurchaseFR00000732985 96534,5174DXE
    14-Jun-21PurchaseFR00000732981 49034,5438TQE
    14-Jun-21PurchaseFR00000732981 68034,6273AQE

    Detailed presentation by transaction:

    A detailed presentation by transaction is available on the Company's website (www.ipsos.com), in the section on regulated information, in the chapter entitled: "Description of share buyback programs and share buyback declarations”: https://www.ipsos.com/en/regulated-informations/en


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